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FOI Publication Scheme

FOI Publication Scheme

Produced in accordance with the Chief Secretary’s Code of Practice


  1. About the publication scheme
  2. Information that may be withheld
  3. Methods of access
  4. Fees and charges
  5. Requests for information outside the publication scheme
  6. Complaints
  7. Categories of information
    1. About Us
    2. Strategic Management
    3. Finance & Administration
    4. Policies & Procedures
    5. Decisions & Recommendations
    6. Lists & Registers
    7. Our Services

1.       About the publication scheme

Every public authority covered by the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act has a legal duty to maintain a publication scheme.

The purpose of a publication scheme is to make information readily available to the public without the need for specific written requests. Schemes are intended to encourage authorities to proactively publish information, to develop a culture of openness and participation.

The publication scheme lists the information which is readily available to the public. The list is divided into seven different categories of information to help you find the documents you are looking for.

This publication scheme commits the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands to making information available to the public as part of its normal business activities.

The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands will:

  • specify the information held by the authority, which falls within the seven (7) categories below;
  • proactively publish or otherwise make routinely available, information which is held by the authority and falls within the categories below;
  • describe the methods by which specific information is made available, so that it can be easily identified and accessed by members of the public;
  • list any fees charged for access to information described in this scheme;
  • publish or otherwise make information available, in accordance with the methods and fees stated in this scheme;
  • make this publication scheme available to the public;
  • regularly review and update the information made available under this scheme.

2.       Information that may be withheld

The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands will generally not publish:

  • information in draft form;
  • information that is not held by the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands, or which has been disposed of in accordance with a legally authorized disposal schedule;
  • information that is not readily-available. For example: information that is contained in files that have been placed in archive storage or that is otherwise difficult to access;
  • information which is exempt under the FOI act, or otherwise protected from disclosure – for example: personal information; or commercially sensitive information. Records containing exempt matter will be published in a redacted form, where ever it is practical to do so, indicating which exemptions apply.

In maintaining this publication scheme, our aim is to be as open as possible.  However, there may be limited circumstances where information will be withheld from one of the categories of information listed in section 7: Categories of information.

Information will only be withheld where the FOI act expressly permits it.

For example: where disclosure would breach the law of confidentiality, infringe personal privacy, harm the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands’ (or another organization’s) commercial interests, or endanger the protection of the environment.

Whenever information is withheld, we will inform you of this and explain why that information cannot be released. Even where information is withheld, it may be possible to provide a redacted copy, with the exempt matter edited out.

If you wish to complain about any information which has been withheld, please refer to section 6: Complaints.

3.       Methods of access

Information available under our publication scheme will usually be accessible through the methods described below.

Section 7: Categories of information provides more details on the information available under the scheme, along with additional guidance on how the information within each category may be accessed.


Many of our documents are published electronically on this website and can be downloaded in PDF format. Where information is available online, a link within section 7: Categories of information will direct you to the relevant page or document.

If there is no link, or the link is broken, you can use our website’s search facility by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the top right of our website. If you are still having trouble locating information listed under our scheme, please contact the Port’s information manager or delegate listed below.


If information is listed in our publication scheme but is not published on the website, we may be able to send it to you by email. You can email us at FOI@caymanport.com to request information.


All information listed in the publication scheme will usually be available in hard copy. Requests may be addressed to:

Information Manager
Port Authority of the Cayman Islands
P.O. Box 1358
Grand Cayman   Cayman Islands

In your request, please provide your name and address, full details of the information or documents you would like to receive. You may also optionally provide a telephone number so that we can call you to clarify details if necessary. For faster processing, please also include any applicable fee. (See section 4: Fees and charges for further details.)

Personal visits

In limited cases, you may be required to make an appointment to view information listed in the publication scheme. This will be clearly stated in section 7: Categories of information, and relevant contact details will be provided in that section.

Advice and assistance

If you experience any difficulty identifying the information you want to access, please contact the Information Manager or Information Manager Designate listed above.

The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands will adhere to its obligations under section 10 of the FOI act, and any requirements relating to disability or discrimination, when providing information in accordance with this publication scheme.

Information will be provided in the language in which it is held or in such other language that is legally required. Where the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands is legally required to translate any information, it will do so.

4.       Fees and charges

The purpose of this scheme is to make the maximum amount of information readily available at minimum effort and cost to the public. The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands strives to ensure that fees and charges are clearly explained and kept to a minimum.

Information which is published online, downloaded through a website, or sent to you by email will be provided free of charge.

Fees may be charged for providing information in paper copy or on computer disc. Charges will reflect the actual costs of reproduction and postage, as described below.

There are some publications which the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands offers for sale. This includes: Ship Schedules, etc. These publications are charged at the cover price, plus actual postage costs as charged by the Cayman Islands Postal Service. Alternatively, the Ship Schedules may be downloaded free of charge from Ship Schedules page on our website. Here you able to enter specific search criteria. However, if you wish, you may visit our offices between the hours of 8:30am and 4:00pm and purchase the latest Ship Schedule for $1.00. Also, all forms can be downloaded free of charge from the Forms page on our website.

Reproduction costs

Where fees apply, photocopied information will be charged at a standard rate of $1.00 per page (black and white; any size) and $1.50 per page (colour; any size).

Postage costs

The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands will pass on to the requester the actual costs of postage or courier delivery.

Details of any individual charges which differ from the above policy are provided within section 7: Categories of information.

If a fee applies, you will be advised of the amount and how it has been calculated. Information will be provided when the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands has received your payment.

5.       Requests for information outside the publication scheme

Information held by the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands that is not published under this scheme can be requested in writing. Your request will be considered in accordance with the provisions of the FOI Act.

Please complete the FOI application or email FOI@caymanport.com with your request.

6.       Complaints

The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands aims to make our publication scheme easy to use, and to ensure our information is accessible to the public.

If you wish to complain about any aspect of this publication scheme, please email FOI@caymanport.com, and we will try to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. If you do not have access to the internet, you may collect a copy of our Complaints Policy and form from any of our office locations between the hours of 8:30am and 4:00pm.

Our internal complaints process allows us to gain valuable information from the people it serves, and allows the organization to improve its reputation as one of the best public authorities. Information given by people complaining often contains useful criticism. Complaints made by the public can provide valuable decision and policy making information to management as well as highlight the challenges faced by employees.

Further information about our complaints procedures can be obtained from our Complaints page.

You have legal rights to access information under this scheme, and a right to complain to the Ombudsman’s Office if you are dissatisfied with our response.

Ombudsman’s Office
5th Floor, Anderson Square
64 Shedden Road
PO Box 2252
George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Telephone: +1-345-946-6283
Email: info@ombudsman.ky

7.       Categories of Information

7.1.    About Us

Name of public authorityPort Authority of the Cayman Islands
MinistryMinistry of Tourism & Ports
Chief OfficerMr. Stran Bodden
Government Administration Building
Box 109
133 Elgin Avenue
George Town
Grand Cayman  KY1-9000
Telephone: (345) 244-2441
Email: admin.motp@gov.ky
Web: https://www.gov.ky/tourism-transport/
Name and Title of HeadMr. Paul Hurlston, Port Director
Information ManagerMr. Chris Krohn
Direct Line: (345) 914-3790
Email: ckrohn@caymanport.com
Information Manager DesignateMs. Katherine Smalldon
Direct Line: (345) 914-3712
Email: ksmalldon@caymanport.com

Organization and functions

The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands is a statutory body established on September 15, 1976 under the Port Authority Law. The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands activities involves the management of the maritime affairs of the Cayman Islands. Our Mission at the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands is to contribute to the economic development of the Cayman Islands by fostering and stimulating waterborne commerce and shipment of freight. We achieve this by effectively managing the maritime affairs of the Cayman Islands and by accommodating the volume of imports by sea through the provision of adequate docking and cargo handling/storage facilities.

Cayman Islands being a very popular tourist destination, we strive to assist in the promotion of tourism through the provision of appropriate arrival and departure facilities for cruise ship passengers.

The scope of the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands activities is:

  1. Providing and maintaining facilities for offloading of cargo imports into all three Islands.
  2. To contribute to the growth of cruise tourism (and thereby the economy), by providing and maintaining facilities to accommodate the cruise ship passengers.
  3. Providing and maintaining navigational markers in Cayman Islands waters.
  4. Providing a patrolling presence, using two fully equipped motor vessels, in the immediate harbour area of the Cayman Islands during cruise ship visits.
  5. Providing a safe and enjoyable environment for the Port Authority’s staff and customers.
  6. Carrying out the Port Authority Laws.
Locations and HoursMatters Handled
Grand Cayman:
Admin Office
113 Seafarers Way, George Town
8:30am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday
Port Director, IT administration, taxi dispatchers, harbour patrol and Port security.
Billing Office
110 Portland Rd, George Town
8:30am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday
8:30am to 12:00pm, Saturday
Clearing of cargo, Finance and HR departments.
Cargo Distribution Centre
126 Portland Rd., George Town
8:00am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday
8:00am to 12:00pm Saturday
Container Yard:
6pm to 6am Monday to Sunday
Cargo/container collections, fleet management, and safety and crisis management department.
Cayman Brac:
Admin Offices
385 Creek Road, Cayman Brac
8:30am to 5:0pm Monday to Friday
Clearing of cargo and Brac office administration.
385 Creek Road, Cayman Brac
8:00am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Collection of cargo.
Boards and committees
Port Authority of the Cayman Islands BoardMeets monthly and is not open to the public.Minutes are available from our website Board Minutes page.

Frequently asked questions

See all of our frequently asked questions on our FAQ page.

7.2.    Strategic Management

The Port Authority’s strategic management goals are:

  • administering the authority’s operations at the organizational level;
  • developing business plans and corporate policy;
  • setting long-term goals and objectives;
  • evaluating the agency’s overall performance and progress towards established targets;
  • managing programs to improve business processes and ensure consistent service delivery;
  • preparing or revising laws and other regulatory instruments that affect the authority’s functions and responsibilities;
  • obtaining legal advice from external sources.

The key strategic goals and objectives (from an ownership perspective) for The Port Authority of the Cayman Islands are:

  • Improve the image of the Cayman Islands and the experience of the cruise tourists, by upgrading the cruise ship arrival facilities in George Town and Spotts.
  • Improve efficiency of the cargo operations by repairing and enhancing the cargo facility in Industrial Park by purchasing additional property adjacent to CDC as well as expanding and relocating the present dock facility.
  • To fine tune the existing computer system, to meet management’s needs for more useful management reports and to serve the customer needs more efficiently.
  • To improve human resource and risk management aspects, through developing and maintaining an operations safety/risk management manual.
  • To improve operations through the purchase of new equipment and the repairs to existing equipment.
  • Improve the efficiency of the administration by constructing additional offices unto the current billing office that will house all administrative and accounting staff in one central location.
  • Freedom of Information Act (2021) and Regulations (2021)
  • Health Insurance Act (2021)
  • Labour Act (2021)
  • National Archive and Public Records Law (2007) & Regulations (2007)
  • National Pensions Law (2012) and Regulations (2018)
  • Port Authority Law (1999)
  • Port Authority Regulations (2022)
  • Procurement Law (2016) and Regulations (2022)
  • Public Authorities Law (2020)
  • Public Management and Finance Law (2020)
  • Standards in Public Life Act (2021) and Regulations (2020)
  • Wreck and Salvage Act (1996)
  • Other Local Laws and Regulations
  • Complaints handling procedure
  • HR policies and procedures
  • International Public Accounting Standards
  • Information management policy
  • Disposal schedule (records retention policy)
  • Operating policies and procedures;
  • Standards of service
Corporate Management:
  • Corporate plans
  • Annual reports
  • Audit reports on overall operations or major projects
  • Compliance assessments; inspections; reviews; performance evaluations
  • Statistics
  • Risk management assessments
  • Hurricane Plan

7.3.    Finance & Administration

Administering the authority’s internal functions and managing its resources efficiently and effectively. Includes the management of:

  • monetary resources;
  • material resources;
  • human resources;
  • information resources;
  • relationships with clients, the public and other government agencies.

Principal accounting policies are adopted and are prepared in accordance with International Public Accounting Standards.

Financial Management:
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Annual Budget
  • Monthly financial statements
  • Sources of revenue; investments; capital program
  • Accounting procedures
  • Contracting procedures
  • Board members allowances and expenses
  • Ministerial expenditure
  • List of current tenders, contracts or quotations, and recently-awarded contracts;
  • Auction results
  • Insurance policies
  • Press releases
  • Job vacancies; career opportunities
  • Staff pay and grading structures
  • Records management file plan or classification scheme
  • Training and Safety
  • Information Technology
  • Human Resources
  • Insurance Policies
  • Press releases
  • Staff pay and grading structures
  • Records management file plan or classification scheme

7.4.    Policies & Procedures

Port Authority Law (1999 Revision)

Port Authority Regulations (2003 Revision)

Complaints-handling procedure

HR policies and procedures:

  • Policy No. 01: Absence Notification
  • Policy No. 02: Annual Vacation
  • Policy No. 03: Compensatory Time
  • Policy No. 04: Computer and Technology Resource Usage
  • Policy No. 05: Drug and Alcohol
  • Policy No. 06: Ground Vehicular Transportation Procedures
  • Policy No. 07: Guidelines for Handling Less than Container Loads (LCL Units)
  • Policy No. 08: Handling Applications for Persons Wishing to Solicit Business at the Port Authority’s Facilities
  • Policy No. 09: Progressive Discipline Programme
  • Policy No. 10: Punch Clock
  • Policy No. 11: Purchase Orders
  • Policy No. 12: Sale of Fuel
  • Policy No. 13: Selection of Ships at Spotts
  • Policy No. 14: Telephone Calls
  • Policy No. 15: Theft
  • Policy No. 16: Time off Without Pay
  • Policy No. 17: Sexual Harassment
  • Policy No. 18: Watersports Operators Soliciting Business on the Port
  • Policy No. 19: Cellular Telephone Usage
  • Policy No. 20: Travel
  • Policy No. 21: Outside Employment
  • Policy No. 22: Complaints Policy & Procedures
  • Policy No. 23: Lost/Damaged Port Equipment

Information management policy; Disposal schedule (records retention policy)

Operating policies and procedures; Standards of service

Labour Law (1996 Revision)

Public Service Management Law

Traffic Law (2003 Revision)

Port Policies:

  • LCL Container Loading Regulations
  • Taxies Applying To Work At The Port
  • Water Sport Operators Applying To work At The Port

Coastal water Regulations:

  • Collision Rules
  • Control Of Vessels
  • General Rules of Navigation in Coastal area for all vessels
  • Rules for Snorkelers and Divers
  • Rules for Swimmers

Marine Conservation Law

Boating Safety:

  • File a Float Plan
  • Carry Safety Equipment
  • Make Sure Your Vessel is Seaworthy
  • Fuel Management
  • Radio Etiquette

Current Fee Structure – Port Charges

7.5.    Decisions & Recommendations

  • Board Meeting
  • Minutes of meetings
  • Evaluation procedures
  • Assessment criteria

7.6.    Lists & Registers

  • FOI disclosure log: can be a found at http://www.caymanport.com/FOI.php
  • Asset Register*
  • Register of interests
  • Schedule of Property
  • Schedule of Vehicles

7.7.    Our Services

As specified in our mission statement, the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands is responsible for seaport cargo and cruise operations in the Cayman Islands. Under each of these sections come more specific duties from cargo clearance to Taxi dispatcher service in and within the vicinity of the Seaports. We have two seaport locations in Grand Cayman; Harbour Drive and Spotts, respectively.

Port Authority does business with local, national and international visitors, customers, shipping companies and agents.

General Forms

All forms can be downloaded from our website from our Forms page.

Thank you for your interest; however there are no vacancies at present.
Please revisit our website and check our local newspapers, regularly.